The Sculpture of David Hayes, An Exhibition Out of Doors
State University of New York at Albany
September 1 to November 1, 1978
There were many behind-the-scenes pleasures in organizing and installing the David Hayes exhibition. One was of watching a superb gallery staff function at peak efficiency for a week installing the sculpture, working like longshoremen and thinking like architects. Another pleasure was experiencing the care and concern my colleagues in other departments brought to the problem of shipping, installing, and documenting the exhibit.
Special thanks to Jo Makarowsky and the Stong Men of the Shipping and Receiving Department - Wilton Landy, Dick Sweet and Claude Smith.
An Art Gallery Emmy Award goes to Paul McCaslin, Jack Finch, and Len Sarnacki of the Educational Communication Center, which produced a video tape on the installation of the pieces and the philosophy of the artist. We are grateful to Ron Nicodemus of Channel 57, Springfield, for inspiring us to do the tape.
A special pleasure for me is the invovement of a local company in a University program. This publication was funded, in part, by a generous gift from L.A. Swyer Co., Inc., Albany, New York
Nancy Liddle
Univesity Art Gallery