Recent press accounts

Story in Notre Dame Magazine by Carol Schall
The modernist David Hayes

Story by Kim Soper in the Journal Inquirer
March 29, 2013

Segment on WFSB Channel 3, Hartford CT by Scot Haney
April 5, 2013

Feature story by Susan Dunne in the Hartford Courant
February 17, 2013

Feature story by Leslie Renken in the Peoria Journal Star
January 13, 2013

Review by Susan Dunne in the Hartford Courant
Dec 7, 2011

Commentary by Howard Kissel in the Daily News

Journal News, December 8, 2008

White Plains builds a sculpture show

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Weschester County Business Journal, February 23, 2009

WAG Magazine April 2009

Feature story from Art & Antiques Collectors' Sourcebook, Spring 2008 (PDF)

Public Displays of Affection
Syracuse (NY) New Times; May 11 2007

Elisa Turner in the Miami Herald - August 23, 2004

The Philadelphia Inquirer - August 15, 2004

Fort Pierce Tribune - July 24, 2004

El Nuevo Herald, Miami Florida - May 7, 2004 | English translation here

Hartford Courant: Man of Steel - January 7, 2002

Mike Fressola in the Staten Island Advance - June 30, 2002

Sculpture that says 'whoa!' - June 14, 1998

New York Times review - June 14, 1998

Steel informed by nature - July 27, 1999

Fine Art in Stamford - July 19, 1998

Stop and Smell the Herbs - July 9, 2000

Sculptor showing variety of art - September 10, 1998

